
Call me Mary

“Dear Mary,

  Please find enclosed my entire Noblet collection as a sign that I forgive you.

  When I received your book, the emotions inside my brain felt like they were in a tumble dryer, smashing into each other. The hurt felt like when I accidentally stapled my lips together. The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect and so am I. All humans are imperfect, even the men outside my apartment who litters. When I was young, I wanted to be anybody but myself. Dr. Bernard Hazelhof said if I was on a desert island then I would have to get used to my own company, just me and the coconuts. He said I would have to accept myself, my warts and all, and that we don’t get to choose our warts. They are a part of us and we have to live with them. We can, however, choose our friends and I am glad I have chosen you.

  Dr. Bernard Hazelhof also said that everyone’s lives are like a very long sidewalk. Some are well paved. Others, like mine, have cracks, banana skins and cigarette butts. Your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks. Hopefully, one day, our sidewalk will meet and we can share a can of condensed milk. You are my best friends. You are my only friend.

  Your American penpal, Max Jerry Horowitz. “

  这是电影《mary and max 》里面马克思写给玛丽的最后一封回信。明明是两个泥塑小人的故事,却字字道出我的心声。上帝赐予我们亲人,而感谢上帝给予我们选择朋友的机会,电影里面马克思衷心的感谢还有这么一个小玛丽是他的朋友,他唯一的朋友。而我呢,或许还在等待吧?

  看看电影里面的小泥人们,也就是那样平平淡淡的度过了一生,至多是一个中了五百万彩票,一个还未束冠,著作便红及欧洲的整个精神研究的学术界。这是多么平凡,多么不起眼的两个人呀!我始终怀着一颗揣测的心,在看着,想着,难道电影里面的两个人就这样度过了他/她们的一生吗?作为一个有智慧的人,难道不是应该每天朝九晚五的学习,为了政治因素而结婚,最终将自己的一生奉献给祖国吗?为什么,为什么他们那样“自由”的生活着,虽然依旧困扰多多,可为什么,他们好像就只是在为自己活着呢?我不明白,真的不能理解。他们每天就那样活着,不是为了创造什么,只是说还有这么一天时间,而恰好我还活着,所以就活下去吧。他们每天都在做着毫无意义的事情——酗酒、贪吃、久睡… …当然,还有无聊的消磨着工作时间。对于某些人而言,这简直就是浪费生命。而我对这看法是绝不反对的。



原文地址: 《Call me Mary》 2015-1-18 17:31